All sorts of things. It’s a cliché but inspiration is everywhere if you look for it. It might be in a fleeting moment, the result of a happy coincidence or the witnessing of something truly masterful, but the important thing is to be open to everything around you. We tend to become so obsessively focussed on what we are doing that we can forget to look up and see all that life can afford.
We are in the very privileged position of being able to improve people’s lives through the work we do – that is a wonderful thing and a responsibility we are continually mindful of.
William Morris famously declared: ‘Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.’ We think this is a good mantra for designers. We have a duty to make things both functional and beautiful but we also place a strong emphasis on the materiality of our work – experience is as much about sense and touch as it is about light and volume, so the physical and tactile qualities of our work are very important. Above all, good design should be simple and intelligible to everyone and we strive for a purity and simplicity in all we do.